Sunday, January 6, 2013

Auld Lang Synge Oz

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Oz!  I have been, as has everyone else, busy.  This is despite both major holidays being what I have described to all who've asked as "quiet".  But it's been amazing to spend the holidays with the Scarecrow.  After nearly 6 years this is the FIRST CHRISTMAS TOGETHER.  Seriously, a long time coming people.  PS, I got a sewing machine.  Happy me!

New Year's Eve was equally quiet.  Strangely though, this is actually our 3rd time ringing in the new year together.  Funny thing, that.  We had Toto and a couple of her friends over and we made tacos.  Can I tell you how happy I was to eat a taco?  That is the closest thing to Mexican food I've eaten in 5 months.  And it was glorious.  Despite the fact that our stove top wasn't working we managed to make it work.  See, he does love me.

Now, for some non-paid advertising.  Don't ask me to pronounce it, but I love the blog La Maison Boheme.  She's funny, creative and inspiring.  I pretty much want her house.  And so, as inspiring is one of the things she's great at, she's inspired me.  First off, I bring you my...

2012 Year in Review

  1. Finished my coursework at KU.  Though my thesis is still in progress, this made me very, very happy.

   2. The obvious.  I married my best friend.  What a great day that was.

   3. Oh, also obvious.  I moved to Ireland with said best friend. 

   4. I learned to drive a stick shift.  Go me.

  5. I learned to make bread.  Normally not a huge accomplishment.  But given my reputation for cooking and how outrageously good it is, this makes the list.

I liked La Maison Boheme and the idea of a 2013 to-do list rather than resolutions.  I don't keep resolutions.  I do, however, like crossing things off lists.  I'm generally pretty good at it.  And so now we have my...

2013 To-Do List

  1. The obvious, finish my thesis and finish it well.  
  2. Focus on doing things that make me happy.  Not only that, but not letting my attitude be dictated by anyone/anything else.  I want to be happy, I like being happy.  And so, why should I let things get to me and make me unhappy?  One of those things is studying more the scriptures and talks from General Conference, particularly this one
  3. Write more letters and be better about communicating with friends and family.
And there you have it.  The Scarecrow went back to work this past Wednesday, Toto goes back to school tomorrow.  It's life and business as usual now in Oz.  And I say bring it on.

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